Each year, IRDA's R&D Team conducts more than one hundred research projects in sustainable agriculture. What's more, IRDA is working with Quebec's key agricultural stakeholders to find concrete solutions.
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The Apple Phytosanitary Warning Network.
Researchers: Gérald Chouinard Vincent Philion Daniel Cormier
Codling moth sexual confusion.
Researcher: Daniel Cormier
Effect of mineral oil on Isomate CM/OFM TT dispenser.
Researcher: Daniel Cormier
The purpose of this pilot project is to evaluate various methods of protecting fruit from freezing in wild blueberry crops for the fresh market.
Researcher: Carl Boivin
Flexible management of nitrogen fertilization (fertilizer type and dose) as a function of temperature for better yields in organic cranberry production.
Researcher: Christine Landry
Evaluation of the effectiveness of various predator combinations in controlling spotted wing drosophilia.
Researcher: Annabelle Firlej
Developing a new scab control strategy based on selecting the lowest-risk products that best fit the circumstances at hand, and tailoring the doses accordingly.
Researcher: Vincent Philion
Optimizing spraying through exclusion nets.
Researchers: Gérald Chouinard Daniel Cormier Vincent Philion
Developing and assessing the planting of flower strips in orchard inter-rows as an alternative to the application of insecticides.
Researchers: Daniel Cormier Gérald Chouinard
Project studying ways to maximize workforce productivity in strawberry production.
Researcher: Luc Belzile
This project seeks to reduce the use of chemical insecticides in orchards by controlling apple maggot populations using mass trapping.
Researcher: Daniel Cormier
Development of a growing out-of-soil organic raspberries in high tunnels protocol in a profitable and competitive manner with a view to selling products locally or to large retail chains.
Researcher: Annabelle Firlej
This project will modify current protocols with the addition of labile carbon to preserve or rapidly restore the activity of beneficial microorganisms.
Researcher: Christine Landry
and quality of soil, water, and air
of local communities by improving the quality of crop and livestock production, with an emphasis on animal welfare
of crop and livestock production