The impact of alternative housing for laying hens on air quality and the health of workers

Stéphane Godbout

Researcher, P.Eng., agr., Ph.D.

418 643-2380
ext 600

Contact Stéphane Godbout


The overall aim of this research is to assess the exposure of workers in conventional and alternative egg production facilities to dust and bio-aerosols, and to characterize the respiratory health risks they face.


  • Assess air quality and characterize bio-aerosols in conventional and alternative chicken houses.
  • Measure respiratory function, the presence of inflammatory blood markers, and the prevalence of allergies among egg farm workers, as well as the diversity of bacteria in their pharyngeal flora.
  • Determine the effectiveness of dust and gas reduction methods on the presence and concentration of bio-aerosols.

From 2020 to 2023

Project duration

Livestock production

Activity areas

Air quality, Animal welfare


Unfortunately, animal welface practices may impact the health of workers.


Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

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