Monitoring and modeling of the Lac Boivin watershed, Granby, Québec

Aubert Michaud, retraité

Researcher, Ph.D.

Contact Aubert Michaud, retraité


In support of the action plan regarding Lac Boivin in Granby, the project consisted of monitoring the hydrology of the main watercourses flowing into Lac Boivin to determine their flow rates and sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus inputs to the lake with a view to building a spatial model of phosphorus emissions for the entire watershed.


  • Describe the hydrological responses of Lac Boivin’s main tributaries, including total water depths, surface runoff components, time to peak flow, and peak flows
  • Describe sediment and nutrient (phosphorus and nitrogen) flows in the lake’s main tributaries
  • Model annual sediment and phosphorus flows in the entire Lac Boivin watershed using the tool GéODEP

From 2016 to 2017

Project duration

Water protection


This project will assist municipal authorities in their efforts to preserve a recreational tourism site and an important source of drinking water.


Organisme de bassin versant Yamaska | City of Granby

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