Simon Ricard


418 643-2380
ext 691

Contact Simon Ricard

Related research project(s)


Hydrological impacts of cropping systems and degradation of soil physical condition

Hydrological impacts of cropping systems and physical soil degradation.

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Simon Ricard
Marc-Olivier Gasser

Reducing N2O emissions through best fertilization practices

Reducing N2O emissions from organic and inorganic fertilizers using 4R practices and other nitrogen conservation approaches on Quebec farms – assessment and quantification protocols

Researcher: Simon Ricard

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Simon Ricard

Low flow estimation for land development within small watersheds considering climate change

Development of a method for estimating low/ecological flows in the context of culvert development taking into account the impact of climate change.

Researcher: Simon Ricard

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Simon Ricard

Hydrologic monitoring of Castors and Morpions brooks

Hydrologic monitoring of Castors and Morpions brooks.

Researcher: Simon Ricard

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Simon Ricard

Sustainable water management within Lanoraie wetland watershed

Sustainable water management within Lanoraie wetland watershed.

Researcher: Simon Ricard

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Simon Ricard


See also

Dalila Larios

Research Assistant

418 643-2380
ext 612

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Jean-Benoît Mathieu, M. Sc.

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Marie-Michelle Corbeil

Research Assistant

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