Hydrological monitoring of the Rivière Bullstrode watershed

Aubert Michaud, retraité

Researcher, Ph.D.

Contact Aubert Michaud, retraité


The project consisted of setting up and operating six hydrometric stations in the Riviére Bullstrode watershed. The stations were used to provide an ongoing description of hydrological responses and sediment flows in the upper reaches (Saint-Sophie dam) and lower reaches (Beaudet reservoir) of Rivière Bullstrode, as well as for two pairs of twin micro-watersheds.

These small tributaries are representative of the mountainous, forested upstream sections and the farming areas in the plain and Appalachian foothills.

The hydrological monitoring equipment in place was used to document changes in flow rates, distinct surface and groundwater flows, and sediment flows. The twin watershed component examined the ongoing impact of anti-erosion measures in the area on water quality.


  • Support the concerted action of a coalition of regional actors to preserve the watershed and prevent the silting up of the Beaudet reservoir, Victoriaville’s main source of drinking water
  • Use the hydrometric data generated to determine current sediment flows from different areas and help define reduction targets based on various intervention scenarios and evaluate hydrological responses to these scenarios
  • Use the hydrometric data to establish hydrological criteria for designing hydraulic structures specifically adapted to conditions in the local environment and for calibrating modeling tools used to evaluate environmental intervention scenarios

From 2017 to 2018

Project duration

Water protection


This project will contribute to protect Victoriaville’s main source of drinking water.


Organisme de concertation pour l’eau des bassins versants de la rivière Nicolet (COPERNIC) | City of Victoriaville

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Aubert Michaud, retraité