Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 650
Project Manager – Pedology, agr.
418 643-2380
ext 405
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) can produce significant quantities of straw biomass on marginal lands for several years with low inputs. Its productivity can, however, be limited by both climate and soil conditions, such as drainage, water retention, depth of rock, presence of hardened layers, acidity and natural fertility. Producers have reported that areas of mortality can appear within a field, and that some fields show signs of degeneration of the switchgrass cover after only 3 to 7 years of production. The limitations presented in soil maps in marginal lands are poorly taken into account in switchgrass cultivation budgets and can greatly affect profitability.
The project therefore aims to better understand the factors limiting the longevity and productivity of switchgrass on marginal lands in the different regions of Quebec and to formulate recommendations to ensure this productivity, if not inform the producer about the limits of their investment. Producers growing switchgrass in Quebec will be invited to provide information on their fields in an interactive platform allowing them to compare the productivity of their crop to the regional average considering the soil and climatic conditions specific to their fields. At the same time, a sampling campaign as well as soil profiles will be carried out on a dozen producer sites to clarify the effects of these limiting factors on productivity.
From 2024 to 2026
Project duration
Field crops
Activity areas
Canada Land Inventory, Inventory of Québec agricultural soil degradation problems, Soil surveys
CÉROM (Centre de recherche sur les grains) / CECPA (Centre d’études sur les coûts de production en agriculture) / FADQ (Financière agricole du Québec) / CQPF (Conseil québécois des plantes fourragères) / MSF (Mon Système Fourrager) / MAPAQ (Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec) / AAC (Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada)
Ten test sites will operate over a two-year period on farms spread over ten Québec regions to compare the performance of winter and spring cereals.
Researchers: Marc-Olivier Gasser Caroline Côté Luc Belzile
IRDA was in charge of conducting the economic analysis for this project carried out by Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie (CAE Estrie).
Researcher: Luc Belzile
The LandCoM project aims to develop an automated method for evaluating by remote sensing the percentage of soil cover by crop residues and cover crops.
Researcher: Simon Ricard