Shirley Moore

Director of finances and administration

418 643-2380
ext 800

Contact Shirley Moore


Having integrated IRDA in September 2020, Shirley Moore oversees the organization’s accounting and financial activities and its physical operations, in addition to supervising projects and investments. Also, as a priority, she will implement an integrated management solution (ERP), mainly oriented in project management.

Holding a master's degree in administration and accounting from the Université de Sherbrooke, Ms. Moore, CPA, began her career in teaching, while accumulating many years as a business owner. Over the five years before her arrival at IRDA, her career has been enriched by experiences as Administration and Finance Director. Ms. Moore's dynamism and her management expertise are undeniable assets for IRDA.

See also

Alain Vachon

President and Chief Executive Officer

418 643-2380
ext 201

See more

Sophie Rochefort

Assistant Director of Resource Protection

418 643-2380
ext 620

See more

Annabelle Firlej, researcher

Annabelle Firlej

Assistant Director of Plant Protection

450 653-7368
ext 363

See more

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