Research Projects

Each year, IRDA's R&D Team conducts more than one hundred research projects in sustainable agriculture. What's more, IRDA is working with Quebec's key agricultural stakeholders to find concrete solutions.

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Results for 2023 Organic farming
2020-2023 • Market gardening

Using seasonal tillage in combination with cover crops as a biological method to control cutworms in organic cruciferous crops

Evaluation of new practices to control cutworms in organic vegetable production.

Researchers: Annabelle Firlej Maxime Lefebvre

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Annabelle Firlej
Maxime Lefebvre
2019-2023 • Market gardening

Developing fertilization strategies for organic garlic farming that combine green and farmyard manure, while taking their N and P supply dynamics and soil quality impacts into account

By enhancing our understanding: 1) of the nitrogen supply dynamics associated with the use of mixed green and farmyard manure applications, and 2) of the timeline of nitrogen uptake by garlic; we hope to fine-tune fertilization strategies so they meet the needs of garlic crops, while minimizing phosphorus accumulation and nitrogen leaching.

Researcher: Christine Landry

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Christine Landry
2019-2023 • Market gardeningField crops

Developing strategies and methods for weeding carrots grown in rotation with field crops

Development of weeding strategies and methods that will reduce weed pressure on carrot crops, especially row-crop carrots, which appear to be the most problematic.

Researcher: Élise Smedbol

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Élise Smedbol
2019-2023 • Field cropsMarket gardening

Developing a mechanical weeding strategy for narrow-row organic field and vegetable crops

Experimenting narrow-row crop weed control strategy on three crops: green beans, peas, and soybeans.

Researcher: Élise Smedbol

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Élise Smedbol
2019-2023 • Fruit production

Optimization and use of Virosoft CP4 in a Codling moth control program

Developing a Codling moth control management tool based on an improved formulation of Virosoft CP4.

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Daniel Cormier
Gérald Chouinard

The solutions developed by IRDA aim to...

Ensure the sustainability

and quality of soil, water, and air

Protect the health and well-being

of local communities by improving the quality of crop and livestock production, with an emphasis on animal welfare

Safeguard the economic viability

of crop and livestock production