Development of cover crop techniques and their adaptation to the Estrie region

Luc Belzile


This project was carried out by Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie (CAE Estrie), and IRDA was in charge of conducting the economic analysis. Producers in this region recognize the value of using cover crops. However, a number of technical issues need to be resolved in order for producers to adopt this technique.


  • Conduct a perennial rye grass intercropping trial in corn
  • Conduct a grain/clover intercropping trial in soybean
  • Conduct a trial on growing field pea after wheat
  • Disseminate the results

From 2014 to 2017

Project duration

Field crops

Activity areas

Soil health


This project will help encourage farmers to plant cover crops.


Club agroenvironnemental de l'Estrie

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