Researcher, P.Eng., agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 600
The team has developed a strategy for rapidly producing biomass using restoration and irrigation. However a number of questions remain regarding species, water levels, irrigation management, and GHG emissions and sequestration. The aim of the project is to collate current knowledge and develop specific expertise in ecological engineering.
From 2018 to 2023
Project duration
Air quality,
Berger Peat Moss | Sun Gro Horticulture | Premier horticole | Lambert Peat Moss | Scotts Canada | Association des producteurs de tourbe horticole du Québec
The project generated scientific knowledge to produce bio-oil from rapid pyrolysis using plastic residues.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout
Hydrologic response to soil physical condition within Pot-au-beurre and Saint-Germain rivers.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
This project aims to collect data to guide rainwater capture and recovery for use on farms to.
Researchers: Carl Boivin Caroline Côté Stéphane Godbout