Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 640
In a wheat/grain corn/soya rotation, green manure as the main source of nitrogen, complemented in the grain corn year by a quickly available manure-based nitrogen starter fertilizer, can be used to obtain profitable organic grain corn yields while limiting phosphorus pollution. The project was conducted at IRDA’s Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform.
From 2015 to 2018
Project duration
Field crops
Activity areas
Fertilizer management, Organic farming
This project will help growers remedy problems related to soil phosphorus saturation.
Growing Forward 2 | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Coop Agrobio du Québec | Club Bio Action | Producteurs de grains du Québec | Aliments Breton
Research report • Christine Landry, Mylène Marchand-Roy, Julie Mainguy, Caroline Côté, Mylène Généreux, Luc Belzile
Landry, C., M. Marchand-Roy, J. Mainguy, C. Côté, M. Généreux, L. Belzile, D. Godonou. 2018. Développement d'une régie de fertilisation combinant des engrais verts et des engrais de ferme pour combler les besoins en azote d'une rotation blé-maïs-soya tout en limitant les apports de phosphore en production biologique. IRDA. 48 p. DownloadTen test sites will operate over a two-year period on farms spread over ten Québec regions to compare the performance of winter and spring cereals.
Researchers: Marc-Olivier Gasser Caroline Côté Luc Belzile
This project was carried out by Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie and IRDA was in charge of conducting the economic analysis.
Researcher: Luc Belzile
The Rivière de la Roche sub-watershed has one of the highest phosphorus and sediment export rates of the entire Missisquoi Bay watershed—a particularly challenging situation for the local agricultural sector.
Researchers: Aubert Michaud, retraité Luc Belzile