Caroline Côté

Researcher, agr., Ph.D.

450 653-7368
ext 310

Contact Caroline Côté


Caroline Côté (agr., Ph.D.) is an agronomist with a master's degree in soils from Université Laval. She completed a doctorate at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Université de Montréal on the biological risks associated with the use of farm manure on market garden crops. She then became interested in the impact of agricultural practices (irrigation, organic manure applications) on the presence of potential human pathogens on crops and in agricultural environments. After a few years working as a research project manager for various organizations, she joined IRDA in 2001. She believes that teamwork and a multidisciplinary approach help build strong ties among agricultural stakeholders.

Related research project(s)


Pilot project on the use of rainwater in the horticultural industry

This project aims to collect data to guide rainwater capture and recovery for use on farms to.

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Carl Boivin
Caroline Côté
Stéphane Godbout
2020-2023 • Livestock productionField crops

The agricultural value of whole biomethanation digestate and its various fractions: potential use in fertilization and recycled bedding

Assessment of the efficiency of biomethanation digestate as a fertilizer for field crops and as recycled bedding in dairy production.

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Stéphane Godbout
Christine Landry
Caroline Côté
2019-2023 • Livestock production

Developing a procedure and tools that utilize genetic markers to identify fecal contamination sources in waterways

This project will develop a procedure that relies on genetic markers to identify the animal species responsible for fecal contamination.

Researcher: Caroline Côté

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Caroline Côté
2019-2022 • Field crops

Measuring the impact of winter vs. spring cereals on profitability, soil health, and pesticide use

Ten test sites will operate over a two-year period on farms spread over ten Québec regions to compare the performance of winter and spring cereals.

Researchers: Marc-Olivier Gasser Caroline Côté Luc Belzile

Read more about the project

Marc-Olivier Gasser
Caroline Côté
2019-2021 • Market gardening

A comparative study of organic fertilizers with a high, effective nitrogen to total phosphorus ratio (Neff / Ptot) as a basis for developing productive and sustainable market gardening fertilization strategies

In this study, we will test alfalfa meal pellets in a broccoli crop planted on plastic-covered irrigated mounds and we will compare them with two organic fertilizer, in addition to a control treatment in which no nitrogen is added.

Read more about the project

Christine Landry
Caroline Côté
2019-2022 • Livestock production

Developing strategies to reduce and control pathogens in the drinking water used for outdoor cow-calf breeding

Cow-calf farms tend to prefer outdoor breeding, poor-quality drinking water can have a direct impact on animal health, and may lead to higher pathogen levels in the environment and at slaughter time, and negative consequences for food safety.

Read more about the project

Caroline Côté
Stéphane Godbout


See also

Mick Wu

Biostatistician, Ph. D.

See more

Cédric Morin, instrumentation technician

Cédric Morin

Instrumentation Technician

418 643-2380
ext 604

See more

Mylène Généreux

Research Assistant

450 653-7368
ext 311

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