Economic cost of herbicide resistance in weeds found in field crops

Luc Belzile


The aim of the project was to estimate the economic impact of herbicide resistance in weeds. Different quantitative methods were used, including econometrics and data envelopment analysis. The data was provided by a project currently being conducted by Centre de recherche sur les grains (CÉROM).


  • Measure the marginal productivity of herbicides in field crops
  • Estimate the impact of herbicide resistance in weeds on marginal productivity

From 2015 to 2017

Project duration

Field crops

Activity areas

Pest, weed, and disease control


This project demonstrated that herbicide applications had a significant negative impact on the value of grain sales.


Growing Forward 2 | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec - Innov'Action Programme | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Centre de recherche sur les grains