Each year, IRDA's R&D Team conducts more than one hundred research projects in sustainable agriculture. What's more, IRDA is working with Quebec's key agricultural stakeholders to find concrete solutions.
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Major Initiatives
Major initiatives (6)Activity area
Livestock production (38) Market gardening (65) Fruit production (85) Field crops (52)Services
Soil health (54) Water protection (40) Air quality (28) Ecosystem protection (14) (31) Fertilizer management (48) Pest, weed, and disease control (99) Animal welfare (17) Food safety and quality (9) Organic farming (41) Waste conversion (12) Environmental regulations (8) Coexisting in an agricultural environment (6) Laboratory analyzes (4)Experts
Effect of mineral oil on Isomate CM/OFM TT dispenser.
Researcher: Daniel Cormier
Phytoprotection research program for the apple sector.
Researchers: Gérald Chouinard Vincent Philion Daniel Cormier
Fertilizer response and soil health.
Researchers: Marc-Olivier Gasser Catherine Bossé Christine Landry
The effects of crimper-rolled winter rye on striped cucumber.
Researcher: Maxime Lefebvre
Trapping flea beetles in organic farming.
Researcher: Maxime Lefebvre
Population dynamic of Lepidopteran pests of sweet corn.
Researcher: Maxime Lefebvre
Hydrological impacts of cropping systems and physical soil degradation.
Researchers: Simon Ricard Marc-Olivier Gasser
Reducing N2O emissions from organic and inorganic fertilizers using 4R practices and other nitrogen conservation approaches on Quebec farms – assessment and quantification protocols
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Development of a method for estimating low/ecological flows in the context of culvert development taking into account the impact of climate change.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Hydrologic monitoring of Castors and Morpions brooks.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Sustainable water management within Lanoraie wetland watershed.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Hydrologic response to soil physical condition within Pot-au-beurre and Saint-Germain rivers.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
The LandCoM project aims to develop an automated method for evaluating by remote sensing the percentage of soil cover by crop residues and cover crops.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
The objective of this project is to measure the performance of a portable wind machine.
Researcher: Carl Boivin
and quality of soil, water, and air
of local communities by improving the quality of crop and livestock production, with an emphasis on animal welfare
of crop and livestock production